جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On Thursday, Feb. 21st, the Physics Department held a video-conference  with the International Center of Theoretical Physics at the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The event was organized by Dr. Sami Jaber, Dean of the Faculty of Science, and Dr. Iyad Sadeddin, Head of the Physics Department, was responsible for technical coordination. The video-conference was conducted through Google +, providing an excellent opportunity to learn more about this platform. Such knowledge of Google + will be useful for future connections; it's free and it could replace the traditional video-conference which is costly.

An -Najah students and high-school students from the Nablus Governorate participated in the conference. In addition, Drs. Iyad Saddedin and Khalid Ilaiwi of the Physics Department and Drs. Baker Adelhaq and Adnan Salman from the IT Department were in attendance.

Before the conference, Dr. Sami Jaber met with the high school students and their physics instructors to discuss the importance of physics in everyday life and the role of CERN in the world of physics.

The Physics Department wishes to thank all those who made this event possible. Thanks go to Dr. Iyad Saddedin for his hard work on technical preparations for the event. Special thanks also go to Mrs. Nisreen Hamadneh, the Physics Department computer-lab technician, and Dr. Kate Shaw for their assistance and participation. The Dean of the Faculty of Science would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the University Administration for their full support of such initiatives.

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