جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Inclusive Admission and Completion Targets Policy for Low-Income Students

Policy Statement

An-Najah National University is committed to promoting educational equity and social mobility by increasing access to higher education for students from the bottom 20% of household income. The University will establish specific admission and graduation targets for these students and implement support measures to help them succeed. This commitment reflects the University's dedication to fostering diversity and inclusion within its academic community.


This policy applies to all undergraduate and graduate programs at An-Najah National University. It is relevant to the University administration, faculty, staff, and prospective students. The policy particularly concerns students who fall into the bottom 20% of household income, as identified by nationally recognized income data.


The purpose of this policy is to increase the enrollment and graduation rates of economically disadvantaged students, thereby enhancing their opportunities for social and economic mobility. By setting specific targets and providing necessary support, An-Najah National University aims to ensure that these students can access and complete their higher education successfully.


  • Economically Disadvantaged Students: Students who fall into the bottom 20% of household income in the country, as determined by nationally recognized income data.
  • Admission Targets: The minimum percentage of admitted students each academic year from the economically disadvantaged group.
  • Graduation/Completion Targets: The minimum percentage of students from the economically disadvantaged group who complete their degree programs within the standard timeframe.


Admission Targets

  • The University shall set an annual admission target of at least 25% of the total admitted students to be from the economically disadvantaged groups.
  • The Dean of Admission Office will collaborate with secondary schools and community organizations to identify and recruit eligible students.
  • The Dean of Admission Office will ensure that all admission processes are inclusive and consider the socioeconomic background of applicants.

Graduation/Completion Targets

  • The University shall set a graduation/completion target of at least 85% for students from the economically disadvantaged group, based on those admitted under this policy.
  • The University will track the academic progress of these students through regular assessments and provide necessary academic, financial, and social support to ensure they can complete their studies within the standard timeframe.

Support Mechanisms

  • Financial Aid: Scholarships, grants, and work-study opportunities to reduce financial barriers for economically disadvantaged students.
  • Academic Support: Tutoring, mentoring, and academic advising tailored to the needs of these students.
  • Counseling Services: Access to mental health and career counseling to address both personal and professional development needs.
  • Housing and Meal Support: Provision of affordable housing options and meal plans to ensure students’ basic needs are met, allowing them to focus on their studies.


  • Equity: Ensuring that economically disadvantaged students have fair access to higher education opportunities.
  • Inclusion: Promoting diversity within the student body by actively recruiting and supporting students from all socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Accountability: Holding the University accountable for meeting the established targets and providing necessary support to ensure student success.
  • Sustainability: Implementing measures that are financially and operationally sustainable over the long term to ensure continuous support for disadvantaged students.
  • Transparency: Regularly communicating progress, challenges, and outcomes related to this policy to all stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, and the public.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • The University will establish a committee dedicated to monitoring the progress of this policy’s implementation, including meeting admission and graduation targets.
  • Annual reports on the effectiveness of this policy will be generated and reviewed by the University’s administration.
  • The University will conduct regular surveys and feedback sessions with the students targeted by this policy to assess the adequacy and impact of the support mechanisms in place.
  • Adjustments to the policy and targets may be made based on the evaluation results, emerging challenges, and changing economic conditions.


  • The Dean of Admissions and Deanship of Student Affairs is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of this policy.
  • All University departments involved in student recruitment, support services, and academic affairs must collaborate to ensure the success of this policy.
  • Failure to meet the established targets may result in a review and revision of the admissions and support strategies, as well as potential administrative actions.

Related Policies

  • Access and Admission to Study Policy
  • Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Effective Date: December 17, 2022

Review Date: Jun 26, 2024

© 2025 An-Najah National University