جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Manar Yousef Ishtayeh, a student at An-Najah National University’s Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, and her team have achieved an outstanding victory by winning first place in the first round of the Arab Competition Authorities Simulation Model.

The competition was organized by the Arab Competition Network and sponsored by the Arab League. Student Ishtayeh and her team competed with participants from various Arab countries, showcasing their skills and knowledge in the field of competition law.

The Arab Competition Authorities Simulation Model aims to raise awareness among Arab university students studying law, economics, and political science about competition protection laws in the Arab region. It is designed to simulate real-life scenarios that competition authorities face in the Arab world. The competition aims to enhance students' knowledge and skills in competition law and policy and to provide them with an opportunity to showcase their abilities in a practical and competitive environment.

The program also seeks to promote an understanding of the relationship between competition law and economics. The model is based on the successful experience of the Egyptian Competition Protection Authority in academic communication through a simulation model called "Competition Authority Simulation," which has been held eleven times since 2009.

"We congratulate Manar Ishtayeh and her team on this remarkable achievement," said prof, Abdel Naser Zaid, An-Najah President. "Their success in this competition is a testament to their hard work and dedication, as well as to the quality of education they have received. We are proud of their accomplishments and look forward to their continued success."

The winning team, including Shtayyeh and other university students from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Algeria, was given the opportunity to participate in the "Arab Competition Network" meeting in Morocco. They will be honored during the second conference of the Arab Competition Network, scheduled to take place in March 2023 in Morocco.

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