جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On Monday, April 27, 2015, the Youth Exchange Program, Zajel, at An-Najah concluded four training programs taught by Jazirat Gonzailese from Mexico and Ahlam Najar from Australia. 50 students participated in the training programs to develop their skills.

The courses tackled subjects such as effective communication skills, public speaking and the skills needed for job interviews. The students were trained to enhance their English language skills and the skills needed for fieldwork as well as writing their biographies and autobiographies. They were also trained on teamwork and critical thinking.

The programs also aimed at reinforcing cultural exchanges between the Mexican and Palestinian cultures by comparing both political experiences.


-          Each training program consisted of fifteen credit hours.

-          Zajel briefed the trainers on Palestinian politics, societal norms, economics and culture.  


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