جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On Sunday, April 12, 2015, An-Najah announced it would host Professor Rifaat Safadi, Lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, to join An-Najah's Hospital's medical staff.

The hospital's President and Trustee's Council expressed their delight as this will push the hospital's medical services forward.

Professor Safasi, in turn, expressed his pride and delight to join An-Najah's Hospital’s staff and promised to do his best to offer the best health services to patients. He also commended An-Najah’s hospital and its staff’s enthusiasm to make a difference and help the community.



-       Professor Rifaat Safadi is from Nazareth, where he graduated from high school. In 1989, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Hadassah and concluded his training in 1991. He became a doctor and a research specialist in internal diseases, then in the human digestive system. In 1993, he became a major doctor at the Department of Liver. Since then, he works as a training doctor and a researcher in liver diseases. Professor Safadi currently works as a manager of the Liver Unit at Hadassah Hospital.


-       He was also Head the European Association for the Study of Liver from 2007-2010, and has remarkable achievements in research in the field of the role of the immune system in liver fiber formation.



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